Okay so with the sept banlist 8 days away, I thought it would be a good time to write an article about the subject.
The last format that has gone has been an interesting one, with us seeing the massive rise in ARCHTYPAL play, what I mean by this, is that the format has been dominated by decks revolving around archetypes instead of the decks from last september where it was SYNCHRCENTRIC and JUNKDOPPELDEBRIS, decks which used a veriety of cards instead of cards of a particular archetype dominating the game.
So lets get started. Firstly I was browsing the internet and stumbled across the list below.
Brionac, Dragon of The Ice Boundary.
Dark Armed Dragon.
Card Destruction.
Mind Control.
Wind-up Hunter.
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the beginning.
E- Hero Electrum.
Monster Reborn.
Rescue Rabbit.
Dark Magician of Chaos.
Super Polymerization.
Inzektor Centipede.
Witch of the Black Forest.
Ultimate Offering.
Solemn Warning.
One For One.
E- Emergency Call.
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi-En.
Gladiator Beast Bestiary.
Necro Gardna.
Primal Seed.
Formula Synchron
A good list if you ask me, BUT obviously not the true one. HOwever, its a good start. Why is it good do you ask? well let me explain deck by deck.
+ points - slows down decks with stupid loops
+ killed off the electrum FTK (check wikipedia for more info)
+allows decks to have more than one strategy rather than a GO TO PLAY every game.
+ instant win cards aboloshed all together.
+cards that allow for OTK's limited to one to reduce the chance of them occuring meaning smarter play to allow you to open up for big plays
+allowing for synchro decks to be used again as formula and one for one get semi-limited and unlimited meaning a more diverese format that has synchro's and XYZ's rather than just the latter
negatives- Warning doesnt need hitting
- Shien at 2 is a pain and should stay at 1
- bestiari at 2 means more gladbeast play, but with 2 in the deck it means that they will have too much back row destruction with MST and heavy around as well. + DMOC
- no restriction on any of the stall decks such as final countdown.
Chaos Dragons.
Main problems with chaos dragons was that they were able to SPAM HUGE MONSTERS WITH POWERFUL EFFECTS in one turn. EG BLS AND DAD by using wyvern to search out DAD and just top decking BLS. This list removes those issues therefore eliminating the powerful destruction of dragons, giving them more options as a win condition rather than just dropping BLS/DAD onto the field :).
Dino - Rabbit
Rabbit to one, deck is slowed down. The main problem with dino rabbit is the fact that it got too many plusses of searching for rabbit and then summoning it to get a free solemn judgment monster/divine wrath monster at the cost of 1 card. With sangan being banned by this list and also WITCH OF THE BLACK FOREST coming back off the ban list, sangan can't be tour guided from the deck for an instant rabbit. The deck needs to be played tactically to allow it to fully use its power play with rabbit. So problem solved there, maybe one is over kill with sangan going so maybe at 2 would seem better for the deck.
Centipede at one, less search means its slower, and again without sangan to be freely tour guided, dragonfly can't be searched out as easily. Balanced hit, deffinately slows them down, but still allowing them to explode if they get the right cards by playing smart :) + with dragonfly having 1800 defence, witch of the black forest cannot search for it :)
With super poly at one and e emergency call at 2, the deck's control is lowered along with search. Its still quick but wont be able to just steal your monster nearly every turn to give them a huge advantage. I still suggest siding cthonian polymer vs these guys because with this list, they still come across as very strong.
Ultimate offering to one, problem solved :)
I've explained below. As a wind-up player I love this list, as we can now be more creative with our builds :D
Also let me put it into this perspective. NOWADAYS we have CORES and then staples to make most decks like inzektors wind-ups and dino rabbit.
however this list makes it so that these cores and staples leave room for more creative tech choices for example wind-ups:
Wind up core (today)
3 rat
3 shark
2 magician
2 hunter
3 rabbit
2/3 factory
This makes half your deck, so all you have to do, is add the staples (which are in every deck nowadays)
3 tour guide
1 sangan
3 mst
1 storm
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
1 avarice
1 book of moon
1 mind control
solemn brigade
2 bottomless
2 TT
Okay so as you can see, standard wind-up build, loop combo included which usually is the only play wind-ups will make, as its the best play and the easiest way to win with the deck.
Without hunter and sangan and reborn, what happens then? well the deck needs more options to use SO the core of a deck changes. And without ONE PLAY for the deck to make, creativity is inspired. So say according to THIS LIST we can change wind-ups to be more control based or SPEED based.
3 rat
3 shark
1 magician
3 rabbit
1 summoner monk
1 witch of the black forest
2 wind-up bat
3 tour guide
1 tour bus
2 psychic commander
2 factory
1 eteleport
3 mst
1 storm
1 one for one
1 dark hole
1 pot of avarice
1 warning
1 judgment
2 overwind
2 bottomless
2 tt
1 fiendish
As you can see the deck has speed and an abilty to be quick without the loop, leaving you with a few choices on what to make and summon whether it be Synchroing for barkion with commander or exceeding for zenmaines/carrier. A find steady wind-up build.
Then theres a control varient you can abuse
3 rat
3 shark
3 hunter
2 magician
1 knight
1 kitten
1 snail
2 snowman eater
1 spirit reaper
3 tour guide
1 tour bus
then instead of emergency teleport and one for one run 2 salvage then traps are the same.
GG I SAY LADS IM done here.