Wednesday, 20 June 2012


I'll tell you where I've been, I've been busy playing at the yugioh nationals in BOLTON, this post is a week behind but this is the only time i've had free through all the university work to update my blog (apart from the 3000+ page views i now have, maybe I should keep this going hahaha)

This isn't going to be some bullshit report but its going to be an analysis of the current meta for yugioh and also what decks are going to be far more dangerous in the future. SO firstly I'm sure you all wanna know what I played.

Well i was a brave man, i turned up with a fully constructed wind-up deck and was ready to tear apart most decks, then I realised how boring they were to play. I mean doing the loop 27times in the day just to annoy some randomer didnt seem much fun to me. So I got myself some rescue rabbits and played.................

GEM KNIGHTS! (hah you thought I was going to say Dino Rabbit, NERDS!)

Thats right and I used this oppertunity to observe the gem knights as a deck and really get a feel for their potential. (DECK LIST POSTED LATER)

So I played 9 rounds in the day, beat 2 top tier decks through sheer luck and came 300th and something , all round a good day considering the deck I was playing.

But what about the meta?

WELL, in the end Dino Rabbit was in both spots in the finals, which goes to show that consistency is still key in this game rather than OTK's and Stupid loops (COugh dragons/wind-ups) and then I saw the potential for other decks, most namely,Karakuri's, Six Sam, Frogs (which are pretty much hanging on even since frog-narch and ofc the 2009 world championship OTK build) and ironically gem-knights. 

Lets start with Karakuri, with the loss of the plant engine tuners, this decks KMP build was dead, however with that loss came Creativity and funnily enough consistency and an ability to break into this years top 32 because of this consistency delivered in the form of their Synchro's, which right now are still as dangerous as ever. Lets remind our selves of their synchro's.



Now definitely now the key card in the deck and the best monster at their disposal, due to his ability to let you draw each turn he is potentially a + with Karakuri 00 (shown below) on the field, ALONG WITH ALL THEIR SPELL SUPPORT and other cards to work with them the karakuri's always have another play up their sleeve.

Combined with them being all of the same element and type, they make cards such as GOZEN MATCH and RIVALRY OF WARLORDS useless in opponents side decks, but allow for them to take full advantage of these cards in their own making them very versatile in a best 2 of 3 match. Plus their speed and their flexibility to synchro into the NAturia Synchro's its no surprise that this deck is still a top contender for top 32 places at National events and with the release of the Gigigear archetype in the next set, the Karakuri's will be around for probably another format or 2 yet.


Next we have the six samurai. Before march this deck was crippled by the september banlist restricting Legendary Six Samurai Shien to 1 and also Shien's smoke signal and Gateway of the six also to 1. However in september they got their break when smoke signal revived itself to two allowing them to have more search. With the introduction of their structure deck in a few weeks and within the release of a new XYZ monster PLUS the release of return of the duelist to combine with them, allowing for the use of Heroic Champion Excalibur, these guys are also going to be a force to be reckoned with in the TCG and OCG. With the negation from shien and the power of Heroic champion Excalibur, this deck could be seeing itself over taking Dino Rabbit as the top deck with very little support for it being released in the future (However this is unknown as TCG exclusives are yet to be revealed meaning both these decks could be FAR more powerful). 

With only more support in sight for SIX SAMURAI, like karakuri it'll be a long time before these guys disappear off the face of the meta game in both TCG and OCG.

Now to frogs, its hard to tell what is happening with frogs these days since the loss of substitoad and monarchs now being too slow in todays meta. Lancer Frog now being the strongest build they have, they may have the consitency but power and control they lack. However after the six samurai structure the atlantean structure deck is to be released with much water support and two particular cards that can be abused by swap frog, this may give FROGS the destruction they needed. However it is more likely that this is the last we will see of the FROG archetype for a while, as atlanteans will deffinately be taking the top spot in terms of water attributed meta decks. So its a sad day when we see these guys go, from the D.E.S OTK to the substitoad burn deck that took the world by storm in 2009, to the frognarch era in 2010/11. All I can say is frogs are done for now, but hopefully if they can fully accommodate the atlantean archetype through swap frog abuse, I can't really be sure they will be around by next septembers ban list.

NOW THEN on to gem-knights, these guys upon first release took the OCG by storm, over in the TCG however we only have a small amount of them released, i used their strongest build at nats - Rabbit Knights, abusing rescue rabbit to fuse them faster, however this wasn't enough as they again were far too slow. So why have I said this archetype will be good in the future?

Well this is down to the next hidden arsenal/duel terminal sets to be release which contain Gem-Knight Citrine/Crystal/Prismura (i think thats right :/) which are similar to the OMNI-Heroes the elemental heroes have which use Attribute to fuse, these new gem-knights use 1 gem-knights + 1 monster of a certain type. Meaning its faster than using the current gem-knights we have now which need a specific monster eg Gem-Knight aqua marine which needs Gem-Knight Sapphire + 1 Gem-knight monster. But the reason why Citrine and their other fusions are significant is their effects - Citrine is unaffected by any card affects during the damage step. Meaning its invincible to mirror force - d-prison forbidden lance fiendish chain and other cards that are popular these days, to Prismura who needs you to discard 1 gem-knight card to the grace to destroy a card on the field, however if you're using gem-knight fusion with this effect you lose nothing.

Not only this but the techs you can add to the deck to make them faster is HUGE - examples are Summoner monk. D.D.R phoenix wing wind-blast - back to square one - lightning vortex - snipe hunter, the lsit of cards that need a discard effect is endless! So watch out for gem-knights in the future as they can be a nasty rogue deck if you arn't prepared for them.


With the release of new sets and structure decks there are a couple of archetypes to look out for in the coming months these include - Atlanteans - Gigigear Machina's - Madolche and if they get some more support through a TCG exclusive Evol's. Probably the most powerful being Gigigear's.

For more info on these archetypes please check out the Yugioh-wikia website.

Thats it for me in this post and I hope you enjoyed reading, I shall update again soon when I start working.



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