Thursday, 30 June 2011

My weekly Local update

Hey guys Its issue 2 of the weekly QQ

This week I was playing gravekeepers at my locals, it was because I have just acquired a playset of Gold Rare Gravekeeeper's Spy and thought i'd show em off. And not only this with the tour guide tengu deck appaearing last week I thought this would throw them off greatly. Now not only this but the fairy deck had also been recently released and my amigo's were ready and waiting with the new deck, to everyone's dissapointment however no common krystia so the little man who owned one was hounded this weekend by everyone except me. I sat and calmly put my gravekeepers together out of my folder and laughed at the other peeps. even my two friends who were trying the fairy's even after being out a week or 2.

Nowadays a lot of people count Gravekeepers out because of six sams dominating the meta and them having no way of beating sams, but I do. A main decked Deck Devastation Virus! "This will be my key to vicotry today" was what I said to my friends who all looked at me nervously.

The fairy deck itself had some nice cards here's a list of the exclusives in it that are going to be effective in them:

Master Hyperion
Level 8
Atk: 2700
Def: 2100
Effect: You can remove from play 1 "Agent" monster from your side of the field, hand, or Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster from your Graveyard to select 1 card on the field and destroy it. If you control a face-up "The Sanctuary in the Sky", you can use this effect up to twice per turn.

The Agent of Mystery - Earth
Level 2
Attack: 1000
Def: 600
Effect/Tuner: When this card is Normal Summoned, you can add 1 "Agent" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "The Agent of Mystery - Earth". If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, you can add 1 "Master Hyperion" to your hand instead.

Cards from the Sky
Effect: Remove from play 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster in your hand and draw 2 cards. You cannot Special Summon or conduct your Battle Phase during the same turn you activate this card.

Divine Punishment
Effect: Activate only if "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is face-up on the field. Negate the activation of an opponent's Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster's effect, and destroy it.

So basically fairy's have become pretty powerful because of this deck. Which is great because they needed it and I like the deck myself. Infact I have 3 and have made my own hyperion deck, but it just wasn't gravekeepers. But with that counter trap they are going to have a huge defence and with hyperion being basically a judgment dragon or dark armed for faries they have plenty of juice to just everything. Overall it seems very balanced and no damage from battles with fairy's it was going to be a long day.

trading wise all went well, traded my old flamvell deck for a set of ultimate rare elemental hero fusions (picture below) except for wildedge and Necroid shaman, he didnt have those sadly. But still a beautiful set of cards I'll cherish forever.

But as far as the tournament went, it was like I said, long. There was as I expected tengu plant decks, only two that is but still 2 good looking match ups, T.G. were also played and sams. But my match ups were the worst...

First game was blackwings, a rough game but his vayu turbo build didnt go so well and I went 2-1 against him, a first turn dad in game two was scary. But as far as Deck Dev went in this game, it just fuelled his grave with vayu so I had to side it out. Game 2 was a Chaos Tengu Plant as expected, and Deck devastation virus destroyed him both games he couldnt do anything totally destroyed him 2-0.

But enough about me going 4-1 (damn sams) The fairy deck itself went really well. Now my friend played a very cool build running the tour guide engine that I mentioned in the last Weekly QQ. Making sangan appear straight away to get his earths quicker to basically whack hyperion on the field. Whereas my otherfriend thought that the White elephants gift engine would work for him. Both of them did really well going 3-2 and 4-1 making them have a great day in the office.

The pro's of running tour guide engine in this deck is chaos sorcerer bring playable in the deck making it a very powerful deck when it works. Not only this but he ran 1 pot of avarice too to make is so that he could recycle his used earths and tourguides to the fulles advantage. However it clashed sometimes and dead hands did occur but he still went 4-1 with this variant as light imprisoning mirror didnt hurt him as much so he still had ways around it.

My other friend unfortunately went 3 - 2 losing to fish OTK and my Gravekeepers. as I said Light imprisoning mirror against this deck is a bastard and shuts it down completely, even when he dropped a consecrated light to try and stop me he still had no chance.

So overall the fairy deck is a fantastic deck to play and has many different variants appearing and I can see it being either part of the new twilight builds or as a pure light beat or as a counter fairy stun and Im sure we will be seeing it in a lot of tournaments in the future so always keep a light imprisoning mirror handy.

So as a point to my last post, yes the lost sanctuary deck has changed the meta completely in a sense but its not as dominant as the six samurai who are still dominating hard and need to be stopped.

Below I will post the decks that my friends played and my gravekeepers for you guys to try and next week im playing dragunity's because I just got a playset of vajryana and they seem fun.

So until next time readers happy duelling and see you on dueling network. ;D

The Cynical Duelist.

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